Friday, August 22, 2014

the day the bees raised hell!

Since I can remember, i have always been an honest and open minded person.  i pride myself in being capable of tolerating and forgiving just about anything.  so when i find myself mixed up in a life of crime and dishonesty, i have to question my motives for sticking around.  as it goes, the business that i have become a part of has done some terrible things.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

 thought i might share this with anyone interested in our adventures.  let me explain the clip.
this was a day that we pulled honey from the hives that we have yarded out in the back acres of where we live.  skip decided to store the honey supers in our upstairs shop as they were being pulled until they were all done and they could safely load the truck after the bees settled and then take them to the extracting room.  (there are upwards of 500 colonies out there)  well, lets just say that this in no way stopped the frenzy from finding their honey.  lol  it was incredible!!